No rest for the weary as I was back on the roads today for my weekly long run. Today's run was 18 miles and although 99 percent of people in the Northeast would say the weather today was awful, I was happy to head out for a very long run with the weather being about 55 degrees and cloudy. It's amazing how much of a difference the weather can be on a run, especially a long run. Overall my run went well, but I have to admit, as I finished my 18 miles this morning, it was a very daunting thought in my head to know that I would have 22 miles to go before I hit 40 miles in September!
I believe this is the first stretch of me entire training schedule where I have three days in a row of running, so I now have two down, one to go. The final leg of my three-day running streak will be six miles and I'll be up in the Adirondacks for my final run. Tomorrow will be running in the morning, fireworks at night!
Today's photo will be the scene of tomorrow's run - Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks. Every Fall there is a running festival around the lake with a 5K, half marathon and full marathon and I've done the half marathon six times - it's a great course!
Today's run - 18 miles, 2:37:54 (8:46/mile)
Next run - Sunday, 6 miles