Happy 4th of July! Today was my third day in a row of running, which was the first time during my training that I had three days in a row, but what made today's run great was I had a very experienced, talented partner running with me this morning! My nephew Jack, who was on the track team last Spring and will be on the high school cross country team this Fall, joined me on East Shore Drive around Schroon Lake this morning.
My schedule called for six miles, while Jack is just getting started in his training and he had 2.5 miles to do today. Jack and I headed out around 9 AM and Jack shared some great advice to me on a bunch of items, including energy gels, bars, and other options for fueling during my training. Jack is an experienced outdoorsman and I need to start testing out some options for fuel, so Jack was sharing his insight. Thanks Jack, great running with you today.
The more knowledge the better as I am about to venture into unchartered territory! My long runs will soon be surpassing 20 miles, and I just realized that my 40 mile run is exactly two months from today. It will come up fast!
Today's run - 6 miles, 57:22 (9:33/mile)
Next run - TBD