Today was a big step for me and my running as I completed a 23 mile run this morning! I've been running a long time, but I've never had a training run this long before. I've completed two marathons so I've completed 26.2 miles in a race before, but I've never done a training run this long. It was cool, sunny, and overall a great day for a 23 mile run!
It look me quite a while to prepare for my run today, which I started at the 17 mile mark of my 40 mile course, which was on Holbrook Drive. I usually go out for my runs with nothing more than my phone and AirPods, but not today. I purchased a small running pack (some might call it a fanny pack!) and inside I had two energy gels, and half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Also, before I started my run, I stashed a Gatorade at the 13 mile mark of my run. I wasn't planning to just go out and run 23 miles, but rather I planned to walk for a couple minutes at mile marks 5, 10, 13, and 18. During those breaks I consumed my energy gels and sandwich and drank my Gatorade. My coach wanted me to take these couple minute breaks to consume these items because I'll need to do so for my 40 mile run, which I realized today is only five weeks away!
All in all, today was a great success. I'm pretty sore, but nothing terrible, which I'm glad about because tomorrow I need to run six miles in the AM, and then follow that up with six more in the PM. In many ways, tomorrow will be harder than today.
Today's run - 23 miles, 3:31:16 (9:11/mile)
Next run - Sunday, 12 miles