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Writer's pictureryanventer2

Day 147

First, I'll share some great news. I have received a number of donations over the past few days and I have officially passed the $5,000 mark for my fundraising goal. WOW! My original goal was $4,000, but after soaring past that, I was crossing my fingers to get to $5,000 and low and behold I hit that mark today! Hey, why stop there? Let's get to $6,000! As I've said before, more money = more assistance for the Champs kids.

Shout outs to the Reynolds Family, Gavin Wentworth, Joe and Sylvia D'Aprile, Rob Storey, and Dennis McDonald. Way to go everyone for stepping up to support Circle of Champs! Also, a special shout out to another "Anonymous" donor today. Your support put us over the $5,000 mark.

Today's run was very challenging. I completed a 23 mile run which is the same length as my previous longest run from two weeks ago. I walked a bit more than I was planning, but all in all it went fine. I also had to ask my wife for an emergency water around mile 20. I had a Gatorade and an energy gel and half of a PBJ sandwich on the course, but I just had to have another water. She's always there when I need something!

Today's run - 23 miles, 3:38:08 (9:28/mile)

Next run - Sunday, 12 miles

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