It's only been 15 days since I started my 40 miles for 40 years journey, and I feel like I've had a lot of material to write about most days from new additions to my extended family to generous donations for my challenge and much more. Today was also momentous as I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine for Covid at the UAlbany campus! It's a great feeling knowing I am fully vaccinated (photo included).
On the running front, I had a recovery run today of four miles, which meant a nice, slow run around my neighborhood. It was a warm, but windy day. It looks like a relatively warm week coming up which is great as I hope to avoid running on my treadmill as much as possible.
Each day I think this is the day my knee will be 100% and I just haven't reached that point yet. It's not painful, but it continues to be an annoyance. I continue to do exercises for my IT band and will keep it up as long as needed. I'll get there!
Finally, thank you to Brendan, Kimmy, Bryce and Callie Venter for their generous donation!
Today's run - 4 miles, 37:35 (9:23 pace)
Next run - Wednesday, 5.5 miles, easy run