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  • Writer's pictureryanventer2

Day 38

It's been so nice to see over the past few weeks more and more people out and about. As Covid numbers fall, and the temperatures rise, it looks a little more like a normal Spring in upstate New York. Even in our neighborhood here in Glenmont, it seems like a lot of people have caught a bit of the running bug! Even the kids are running (see picture below).

Today I completed a six mile run in the afternoon, which certainly was a challenge as this was an increase over my typical weekday run and it was a bit hot and humid outside. I'm really looking forward to my 10 mile run on Sunday to see how I handle that, as I have not run that far since my marathon back in November, over five months ago.

I certainly want to give a shout out to the Halvorsen Family - Ken, Liz, Jack, Brodie, Thora and Oreo for their generous donation to my challenge! I really appreciate the support you have shown me - as this now brings my total to $1,300. Only $2,700 to go to hit my goal. Thanks Halvorsens - see you at Schroon! I think it's time for our next high peak up in the ADK's.

Today's run - 6 miles, 53:00 (8:49 pace)

Next run - Friday, 4 miles

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