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Writer's pictureryanventer2

Day 92

Happy Father's Day!

Not much recovery time for me this weekend as I followed up yesterday's 10 mile run with another 10 mile run this morning. I mentioned in a previous post that I am starting to run some portions of my actual 40 mile run, so today I ran the 20 mile to 30 mile route. I started at my house in Glenmont, took Elsmere Avenue all the way towards Elsmere School, picked up the rail trail and headed into Slingerlands, followed Fisher Ave to Orchard, then up towards the dog park. All in all, it was a 10 mile run and doing this will help me feel a bit more comfortable when September 4th comes around. It's always nice to know the lay of the. land before the actual day of my challenge.

My week's training runs have not been uploaded yet into my Final Surge program, so I am a bit unsure as to what to expect this upcoming week, but I am expecting next weekend to go back to one long run on Saturday (or Sunday), probably a run of about 18-19 miles. I think on this long run I'm going to test out taking in some food or gel during the run. I'll need to do something otherwise I'll hit the wall around 18-20 miles and won't have the energy to continue.

Today's run - 10 miles, 1:35:00 (9:29/mile)

Next run - TBD

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