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  • Writer's pictureryanventer2

Day 98

Day 98 of my 40 Miles for 40 Years Challenge started out with an 18 mile run this morning. I am currently up in the Adirondacks at Schroon Lake so I certainly had a nice, scenic landscape for my long run, but 18 miles is still 18 miles. This was my longest run so far since I started my challenge, but the 18 miles went well. My biggest issue lately is I'm starting to get blisters on each of my pinky toes, and one of them is especially bothersome, so I'm in the process of trying to remedy that problem as I certainly don't want it to get worse as my running will increase in July and August.

I need to head out again tomorrow for a six mile run, which I know will be difficult. This will be a 24-mile weekend for me, lots of pounding the pavement.

Today's run - 18 miles, 2:42:23 (9:01/mile)

Next run - Tomorrow, 6 miles

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